New cycle of Words of Hate/Words of Peace stages


Is it possible to build peace? In dialogue with Sophia University Institute. With two speakers: Roberto Catalano (Sophia Italy) and Marisa Macor (Sophia ALC)
On July 3, a new stage of the cycle Palabras de odio/palabras de Paz (Words of Hate/Words of Peace) was held in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The proposal is coordinated by the NetOne Network Conosur Region.
The introduction was made by Isabel Gatti, PhD, international coordinator of NetOne. Her first words retraced the history of previous actions in the cycle, noting that these “visits” to organizations already working for peace, such as the Anne Frank House or the Forget-me-not Foundation (former combatants of the Malvinas War), are intended to “learn” from them in order to promote the culture of dialogue we need to strengthen our commitment to social fraternity on all fronts. Professor Roberto Catalano expounded on the interreligious dialogue work he has developed throughout his life, with personal stories from many years in India and now articulated with academic activities at Sophia to try to transform a fragmented world into a space of social cohesion. At the same time, he presented Sophia University Institute’s new educational offers for the Master’s Degree in Culture of Unity, with its different orientations.
Professor Marisa Macor (member of the coordination group of the Sophia University Institute in Latin America and the Caribbean), presented all the activities carried out, particularly the specific diploma courses and short courses that, through their themes, seek to respond to the different challenges of the region: Integral Ecology, Interculturality, Community Leadership, and Artisans of Peace.
This was followed by a question-and-answer session in which the various topics discussed were explored: what impact does this type of training have? This was answered with examples of local actions. Another question, asked by a Muslim representative of the Alba organization about the possibility for Muslims to study at the Institute, was answered that several have already taken courses in Italy with very positive experiences.
It was very interesting for all participants to hear firsthand what this organization offers to improve social dialogue in the various dimensions of life.

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